Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme 2023: apply, double bedroom status

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Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme 2023

Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme : In 2015, the government of Telangana started a special housing plan called the “Dignity Housing Scheme,” which is also known as the Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme. This plan is for helping people who don’t have proper houses, especially those who don’t have a lot of money.

Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme

The plan had some problems at the beginning, but it’s now moving forward. The goal is to give 5.72 lakh low-income families in Telangana a house with two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. That’s why it’s called the 2BHK plan, which means “2 bedrooms, hall, and kitchen.” The government is building 2.80 lakh houses for this plan, and each house costs about Rs 5.30 lakhs. To make it more affordable, the government is helping by paying Rs 3.80 lakhs for each house. They are getting some money from different places to help with this plan, like Rs 2,500 crore from Hudco, Rs 1,365 crore from PMAY funding, and Rs 185 crore from the state’s own money. So far, the government has spent Rs 6,972 crores on this plan. The houses built through this plan will cover a space of 7 lakh square feet. This is a big project to make sure more families in Telangana have a nice place to live.

Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme details

Name of SchemeTelangana 2BHK Housing Scheme
Initiated byGovernment of Telangana
Introduced byK Chandrasekhar Rao
ObjectiveTo offer affordable 2BHK homes
to those who meet the requirements

Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme 2023 benefits and features

  1. Affordable Housing: The scheme provides affordable two-bedroom homes to underprivileged families, ensuring that they have access to decent living conditions without a heavy financial burden.
  2. Government Support: The initiative is backed by the Government of Telangana, showcasing the government’s commitment to improving the lives of disadvantaged citizens.
  3. No Debt: Recipients do not need to take on loans or worry about getting into debt to build a house, as the government covers all the costs.
  4. Dignity and Security: The program offers dignity and security to beneficiaries by giving them a proper home, protecting them from debt troubles that are common in rural areas.
  5. Online Application: The scheme’s online application process through the official website,, makes it convenient for eligible individuals to apply for these homes, reducing bureaucratic hurdles.

Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme 2023 objective

In October 2015, the government of Telangana started a special project to help people who don’t have much money. They wanted to give them a good place to live without them having to pay anything. This project is called the “double-bedroom housing project. In this unique program, people who get these houses don’t have to pay anything themselves. It’s all paid for by the government. These houses with two bedrooms (that’s why it’s called 2BHK) are like a shield for the people who get them. They don’t have to worry about getting into debt, which can happen when they have to borrow money to build a house. Especially in the countryside, where people’s income depends on the weather, this project is a big help. It gives them dignity and a safe place to live without any worries.


Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme 2023 Services Offered

The 430 square foot carpeted flats come with the following features and amenities:

  1. Two Bedrooms: These flats have two bedrooms, providing separate sleeping spaces for family members.
  2. Two Bathrooms: Each flat includes two bathrooms for the residents’ convenience.
  3. Hallway: There is a hallway in the flat, which can serve as a common area for various activities.
  4. Kitchen: A kitchen is also part of the flat, allowing residents to prepare meals and store their food.
  5. Two Lofts for Storage: Additionally, two lofts are available for storage purposes, helping residents keep their belongings organized.
  6. Interior Roadways: The housing complex likely includes well-planned interior roadways for easy access to the flats and other areas within the community.
  7. Sewage Fittings: Proper sewage fittings are in place to ensure efficient waste disposal and sanitation.
  8. Electricity and Water Connections: Flats are equipped with electricity and water connections, providing essential utilities for comfortable living.

These amenities and features make the 430 square foot flats suitable for comfortable and convenient living.

Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme pricing

The housing project costs more because the state government is improving infrastructure alongside building homes. The project’s total estimated cost is Rs 18,000 crores, with Rs 3,230 crores already approved. The state asked the central government for help.

The project includes water and electrical lines, roads, drainage, and more to create a better living environment. The state also asked for cheaper power connections through a government scheme, showing a commitment to improving people’s lives.

S. NoAreaUnit cost with infrastructureUnit cost without infrastructure
1Urban5.3 lakhs75,000
(House)6.05 lakhs
(Infrastructure)5.3 lakhs
2Rural5.04 lakhs1.25 lakhs
(House)6.29 lakhs
(Infrastructure)5.04 lakhs
3GHMC up to G+37 lakhs75,000
(House)7.75 lakhs
(Infrastructure)7 lakhs
4GHMC C+S+97.9 lakhs75,000
(House)8.65 lakhs
(Infrastructure)7.9 lakhs

Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme eligibility

  • To qualify as a BPL household, you need a valid Food Security Card with beneficiary names, including the spouse (for widows, widowers, or physically challenged persons), and a unique identification number.
  • Eligibility includes families living in huts, Katcha houses, rented accommodations, or those without a permanent home.
  • Beneficiary selection in each Assembly Constituency will aim for proportional representation from SC/ST/Minorities, with the district maintaining this balance.
  • The residence approval will be registered in the name of the family’s female head, typically the housewife.
Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme costruction and design

Building Homes in Telangana:

  • When building houses in Telangana, they pick the best government land if it’s close to the village or town.
  • In cities, houses are built in a special way, like stacking blocks. They decide how many floors based on the land available.
  • In villages, each house gets its own piece of land, like having your own garden. But if there’s not much space, they build a house with one floor.
  • Houses are built not too far from the main village center.
  • Special houses are made for families with someone who needs extra help because they can’t move around easily.

Design of the Houses:

  • Each house is like this: two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms.
  • There are also special places to keep things called lofts.
  • The kitchen has a special place to cook called a platform.
  • Bathrooms can be inside or outside, depending on where you live.

Help for Building:

  • People who are helping to build these houses get some special help. Like, they can buy cement to build at a lower price.
  • Some things they need for building are free or cost less.
  • There’s also a smaller amount of money they need to give when they start building.
  • If they need something called “fly ash” for building, they get it for free if it’s not too far away.
  • If it’s a little far, they get a discount.
  • They have more time to fix any problems after the house is built.
  • The cost of the steel used for building has changed to make it easier to build.


  • They use money from special programs to build bathrooms as part of these houses. It’s important to have clean and safe bathrooms.
Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme apply

How to Apply:

  1. First, get the application form. You can download it from the official website or get it from the MeeSeva center nearby.
  2. Fill in the form with all the information they ask for.
  3. Also, tell them if your family has already used a housing program before. It could be one of these:
  • Rajiv Gruha Kalpa (RGK)
  • Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana (VAMBAY)
  • Indiramma-1
  • Indiramma-2
  • Indiramma-3
  • Indiramma Urban Permanent Housing (UPH)
  • Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
  1. You’ll need to attach some papers with your form:
  • A small photo of yourself
  • Your Aadhaar card
  • Copies of your Ration Card
  • Food Security Card
  • BPL card (if you have one)
  • ASARA pension card
  1. Finally, give your filled form and papers to the MeeSeva center nearby or the Gram Sabha in your district.

How to Check Application Status:

  1. Go to the official website of the Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme.
  2. Click on “Beneficiary Search.”
  3. You can either put in your Beneficiary Id and click “Search,” or you can pick your district, Mandal, village, and caste and click “Go.”

Contact Details:

If you have more questions, you can contact them here:

  • Phone: 040-23225018
  • Email:

Remember, it’s important to have a nice place to live, and these steps can help you get one!

FAQ on Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme 2023: apply, double bedroom status

1. What is the Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme?

  • The Telangana 2BHK Housing Scheme is a government program that provides affordable two-bedroom homes to underprivileged families in Telangana.

2. How can I apply for this housing scheme?

  • To apply, download the application form from the official website or get it from a nearby MeeSeva center. Fill it out, attach required documents, and submit it to MeeSeva or the Gram Sabha.

3. What documents do I need to apply?

  • You’ll need documents like Aadhaar card, Ration Card copies, Food Security Card, BPL card (if applicable), and a small photo of yourself.

4. Can I check the status of my application?

  • Yes, you can check your application status on the official website by entering your Beneficiary Id or selecting your district, Mandal, village, and caste.

5. Who can I contact for more information or help?

  • For any questions, you can contact the scheme’s helpdesk at 040-23225018 or email them at

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